The following information is intended to be helpful to  Montgomery County area apartment owners and apartment managers.  The Houston Apartment Association's service area includes Montgomery County apartments. If you work in the apartment industry and would like to become involved with HAA's efforts to monitor apartment issues in Montgomery County, please contact the Outreach department at  If you are a Montgomery County renter and have an issue or complaint about your community, please visit

Appraisal district

109 Gladstell Street 
Conroe, Texas 77301


Precinct 1  Constable Philip Cash
Precinct 2  Constable Gene DeForest
Precinct 3  Constable Ryan Gable
Precinct 4  Constable Rowdy Hayden
Precinct 5  Constable Christopher Jones


Locate your county commissioner.

County clerk

You can search the county clerk's records here

 Economic Development

 (936) 539-7897
400 N. San Jacinto
Conroe, Texas 77301

Emergency Management

(936) 523-3900
9472 Airport Rd.
Conroe, Texas 77303

 Fire Marshal

(936) 538-8288
Email for fire code and inspections:
2247 North First Street, Suite 200
Conroe, Texas 77301

Justices of the Peace

 Locate your Justice of the Peace.

Click HERE to E-file

Precinct 1  Judge Wayne L. Mack
Precinct 2  Judge Trey Spikes
Precinct 3  Judge Matt Beasley 
Precinct 4  Judge Jason Dunn
Precinct 5  Judge Matt Masden



501 North Thompson Suite 100 

Conroe, Texas  77301


Tax Office

(936) 539-7897

400 North San Jacinto 

Conroe, Texas  77301


Crisis Information

Tri County Services
706 FM 2854 (also known as Old Montgomery Road) Conroe, Texas 77301
24-hour Crisis hotline: 1-800-659-6994

Montgomery County Women's Center
24 Hour Crisis Hotline 936-441-7273